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We use cookies or similar tools on our sites to improve their performance and your experience. This policy explains how we do this.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website may save on your computer or mobile device when you visit a page or site. The cookie will help the website or other sites recognise your device the next time you visit. Web beacons or similar files can do the same. We use the term cookies in this policy to name any files that collect information in this way.

Cookies perform many different functions. For example, they help us remember your username or preferences, analyze how well our sites perform, or even allow us to recommend content that we think will be interesting to you.

Some cookies contain personal information - for example, if you clicked "Remember me" when you logged in, the cookie will remember your username. Most cookies do not collect information that can identify you, but rather collect general information about how users access and use our sites or what their location is.

What types of cookies do YANA Inc. sites use?

In general, cookies perform 4 different functions:

1. Important cookies

Some cookies are vital to the functioning of our sites. They allow us to identify users who are registered as well as those who are our paid subscribers. They ensure that these users can, for example, comment on articles, and that paid subscribers have the level of access they need to articles and sections on the sites. If a subscribed user decides to stop these cookies, they will not be able to access the subscriber-only content.

2. Cookies related to site performance

We use other cookies to analyse how visitors use our sites and to monitor the performance of our site. This allows us to offer you a high quality experience by personalising the content we offer and quickly identifying and fixing various issues. For example, we might use cookies to track which pages are most popular. We could also use cookies to show you articles or services that we think would be interesting to you depending on how you use the site.

3. Functional cookies

Functional cookies allow us to remember your preferences, such as font size and other personal settings. For example, cookies save you the time and effort of entering a username each time you visit our site.

4. Behaviorally targeted advertising cookies

Economedia and our advertisers use cookies to show you ads that we believe are relevant to your interests. For example, if you have read several automotive-related articles on our Site or on other sites, a car manufacturer may assume that you have an interest in that topic and show you its automotive advertisements. You may see these advertisements on Economedia's Sites and on other sites you visit. But we do not disclose your identity to our advertisers.
For behaviorally targeted advertising, we use a Google Inc. service called remarketing. According to its own policy, Google does not collect personal data in this process. However, if you do not wish to be subject to remarketing, you can disable it by changing your settings at this link: http://www.google.com/settings/ads . You can also disable the use of cookies for the purposes of behaviourally targeted ads by following the instructions on this page: http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp .

Does anyone else use cookies on YANA plc sites?

Advertisers sometimes use their cookies to show you targeted ads. For example, advertisers may use a profile based on the sites you have previously visited to show you more relevant ads when you visit Economedia sites. We believe it is helpful for our users to see ads that are targeted to their interests.

We use or allow third parties to use cookies on our sites that fall into the four categories mentioned above. For example, like many companies, we use Google Analytics to monitor traffic on our sites. Also, when you share an article using the social networking buttons (e.g. Facebook) on an Economedia site, the social network that created that button will save that action of yours.

We may use third-party cookies to help us with market research, revenue tracking, improving functionality and monitoring compliance with our terms and conditions and copyright policy.

How do I turn cookies off?

All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in your browser's "options" or "preferences" menu. To help you be aware of these settings, the following links may help or you can use the "help" button on your browser menus for more details:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS.

If you are most concerned about third-party advertising cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn them off here: Your Online Choices site-(http://www.youronlinechoices.com/bg)

Please remember that if you choose to stop cookies, some sections of our site may not work properly.

Does YANA Inc. use cookies that contain my personal data?

No, the cookies we use are anonymous and do not contain any personal data.

If you have any questions regarding this Cookie Policy, please contact us at: gdpr@yanabg.eu